FESN Scientific School 2020 i Tyskland!

nov 21, 2019

Nu är det dags för fjärde tillfället av FESN Scientific School! Ansökningen till FESN Scientific School är nu öppen och sista ansökningsdagen är 15 januari.

Läs mer kring detaljerna nedan:


Dear FESN members,

hereby we kindly want to inform you that the 4th FESN Scientific School will be organised in August 24th-27th, 2020 at the Seminar-Center, Freie Universität Berlin in Berlin, Germany. The theme will be „A Toolbox for Neuropsychological Research and Practice“. The preliminary program can be found in the folder.

The school is addressed to graduate students in their final years of PhD, or early post-docs, as well as clinicians at a comparable level of career. About 50 participants are invited from all partaking National Societies. FESN covers most organization expenses and students only need to pay for their own travel and nominal fee of 150 euro.

The application is open now. The deadline for applications is January 15th, 2020.

The link for application should be used: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/100939/lomake.html

In order to apply for endorsement and financial support, the applicants are asked to contact their national society.

Further information could be found on the FESN webpage https://www.fesn.eu/students-point/scientific-schools/

Please spread the news among your members!

Best regards,

Mag. Dr. Sandra M. Lettner
FESN Executive Secretary


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