Som vi tidigare har informerat om så arrangerar FESN för fjärde gången en forskarskola!
Några uppdateringar kring arrangemanget har gjorts, bl.a. byte av anmälningslänk:
Dear FESN members,
with this e-mail please let me send you a reminder and clarify the process regarding the 4th FESN Scientific School in Berlin 2020, as we swithed to another system.
The link for application should be used:
The deadlines are as follows:
– deadline for applications from students: January, 31st – extended
– deadline for (optional) endorsements from the societies: March, 15
– deadline for informing the applicants on acceptance: (up to) April, 15
The students were asked to send their funding/support application directly to their national society. The societies can decide based on their own terms. Students endorsed by their society will be given priority on FESN side.
We kindly ask you to send the information to your national members once again.
If there are further questions, please don´t hesitate to come back to someone oft he organisation team.
Best regards,
Mag. Dr. Sandra M. Lettner
FESN Executive Secretary